
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Unseen Beauty of FATA (Razmak)

Few days back, a friend of mine sent me few pics of Razmak. He has been there for the last one year. Being a curious soul, I used to ask him about the area and finally he send me these pics. The valley of Razmak is located in the west of Lakki Marwat and Bannu.

This area had been under control of TTP in the start. But then Pakistan Army carried out operation and cleared the area. This is fruit rich, lush green, cool and bewitching place on earth. Even Queen Elizbeth visited it and still there is a vacation resort here in her name.

If we are able to restore peace and normal life practices here, and promote tourism in this area, It can be a worthy source of income for us. Plus it can add to the positive image building of Pakistan all over the world. Long Live Pakistan. 

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